WASFAA Volunteers
We are excited for your interest in volunteering with WASFAA! Our organization thrives when we have volunteers like you, who bring their unique experiences and skills to our many committees.
When you are ready to officially join us, please take a few minutes to complete the steps below:
- Review the committee list below to learn more about the role each committee plays within WASFAA. We have also listed the anticipated time commitment and preferred skills for each role. We want you to know what to expect, right up front so you can feel prepared.
- After your review, please complete our volunteer interest form located at the bottom of this page. By completing this form, WASFAA uses a database to identify subject matter experts and individuals willing to lend a hand as part of our peer support network.
A Note on Committee Structure
WASFAA’s committee structure can vary year-to-year. Most committee chairs are appointed by the President. Each committee Chair assembles their own committee from interest expressed in the Call for Volunteers. On occasion, issues or needs may arise that do not fall within the jurisdiction of established standing committees. In such cases, the President will usually appoint a special task force to address the specific issue.
Much committee work is accomplished remotely, but some committees may hold in-person meetings as needed, for example the conference planning committee may have local members conduct a site visit.
No Time? Can't Travel? No Worries!
Don't have time for a very involved assignment? Volunteer for small projects like assisting at a conference registration desk, or writing an article for the WASFAA newsletter. All contributions and efforts are very much appreciated!Below are amazing opportunities you could be a part of by volunteering with WASFAA. Click on each committee name to learn more!
Awards & Scholarships
Provide scholarship opportunities to create access to valuable regional and national trainings for WASFAA members.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 7-10 (preference given to prior year WASFAA scholarship recipients
Average number of hours required per month: 2
Peak time of year for active participation: Approximately 1 month prior to a WASFAA event to review scholarship applications and make recipient decisions
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: Year-round, as the committee needs to review scholarship applications for each major event
Helpful skill sets: Prior year WASFAA scholarship recipient
Annual Conference
The Annual Conference Committee is composed of subcommittees who help plan the conference and make recommendations on conference program, vendors, activities, promotions and materials.
- Conference: Oversees conference planning and execution. Works with the Site Selection Chair to identify conference venue. Works with the venue to arrange facilities and schedule session rooms and manages local arrangements. Appoints the chairs of the subcommittees who make up the conference committee.
- Program: Ensures that a well-balanced, high-quality program is organized and presented at the conference. Manages the call for session proposals and session moderators.
- Registration: Plans and runs conference registration (both advance and on site) procedures and logistics, including handling of credit card fees, cancellation policy, and creation of name badges.
- Exhibits: Works with the Fund Development Chair to ensure exhibitors have what they need related to registration, contracts, floor space, security and other logistics.
- Local Arrangements: Works with local vendors, the conference, and other committees in the planning of the conference space, including room set-up, entertainment, tours and other local logistics. This committee also works with the local Convention & Visitors' Bureau, if applicable.
Average number of hours required per month: 8-16
Peak time of year for active participation: November to April
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: September to November
Helpful skill sets: Event planning, organizational skills, friendly people person, outgoing and creative
Provides members with regular communication on association activities via the website, monthly newsletter and social media outlets. Works closely with the Fund Development Chair to solicit and market paid advertisements and the Volunteer Development Chair to promote volunteer opportunities within the organization.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 6
Average number of hours required per month: 2-3 hours
Peak time of year for active participation: Consistent participation each month
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: Year-round
Helpful skill sets: Social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack), strong written communication, newsletter creation, graphic design and website management
Electronic Services
Helps develop web-based tools to support activities of other committees. Committee members should be comfortable navigating and using the internet, have access to a computer with an internet connection and personal email account, and have some familiarity with database programs.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 2 to 5
Average number of hours required per month: Varies
Peak time of year for active participation: More participation required around WASFAA event registration and invoice timelines
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: Year-round
Helpful skill sets: Project management, webpage creation, tech aptitude and skills
Federal Relations
Review and comment on federal activities impacting the eligibility for and administration of the financial aid programs. This can include Notices of Proposals, Rule Making, HEA Reauthorization, proposed legislation and WASFAA summaries/comments. Members of this committee advocate for WASFAA institutions and our students. We develop advocacy talking points and inform membership through various modalities.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 5-7
Average number of hours required per month: 2
Peak time of year for active participation: July-January will reach 2 hours while the remaining months depend on Congressional activity
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: Year-round. Heavier when budget bills and/or legislation is being considered
Helpful skill sets: Ability to analyze complex language with multiple impacts
Fund Development
Coordinates all fund development activities associated with the operation and financing of WASFAA. Develops and implements long-range sponsorship plans.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: This is a committee of 1 (appointed committee chair)
Average number of hours required per month: Less than 1
Peak time of year for active participation: 2 months prior to the start of the WASFAA annual conference through the month of the conference
Travel required: Yes. The committee chair is expected to attend Executive Council meetings and the annual WASFAA Conference
Actively seeking volunteers: This position is determined by the WASFAA President-Elect prior to the start of their term.
Helpful skill sets: A member of the corporate partner communication with experience in networking
Graduate/Professional (not currently an active committee)
Gathers information and makes recommendations to the President and Executive Council regarding needs of graduate & professional students and graduate & professional school members of WASFAA.
Historical Archives
Assembles, organizes and maintains the historical documents of the Association, including minutes from all Executive Council meetings, year end reports from all committee chairs, association budgets, financial statements and reports, newsletters, tax returns, special agreements and contracts, and manages storage of association assets.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: This is a committee of 1 (appointed committee chair)
Average number of hours required per month: 2
Peak time of year for active participation: Year-round
Travel required: No, outside of attending required in person Executive Council meetings
Actively seeking volunteers: This position is determined by the WASFAA President-Elect prior to the start of their term.
Helpful skill sets: Strong organizational skills
Inclusion, Diversity, Ethnicity, Equity Action (IDEEA)
The committee addresses issues that affect ethnic minority students and the professional development of under-represented ethnic financial aid professionals. Committee members reflect a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, including at least one member who is from a traditionally well-represented ethnic background.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 6
Average number of hours required per month: 2-3 hours
Peak time of year for active participation: Year-round participation. The committee is expected to submit a monthly newsletter article to the Communications Committee. The committee chair, and potentially other members, are expected to attend the WASFAA conference and present on DEI related sessions.
Travel required: Yes. This committee is expected at WASFAA conferences to present and table.
Actively seeking volunteers: Year-round
Helpful skill sets: Communication skills, advocacy experience is ideal, public speaking and experience with website updates
Jerry R. Simms Management & Leadership Institute
Annual training event for members who are embarking upon management positions for the first time or to train members who need a refresher course on management and leadership. The chair organizes faculty, and establishes the theme and direction of each year's training. MLI works closely with the Leadership Development Program (LDP) Committee Chair to plan this event. Many LDP mentors also serve as faculty for MLI; some years additional volunteers may not be necessary.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 0-3, depending on LDP commitment
Average number of hours required per month: 10-20 hours a month, September through November
Peak time of year for active participation: September, October, November
Travel required: Yes. Travel to the event (traditionally in November)
Actively seeking volunteers: August and September
Helpful skill sets: Very strong presentation skills, experience in management & leadership roles on your campus, preference for people with association management experience, experience facilitating leadership & management training
Conducts the annual membership review, creates and sends the renewal membership invoices, and maintains the membership database. The committee also maintains the membership webpage of the WASFAA website, annually updates the email communication and receipts for the membership type and provides newsletter articles as requested by the Communications Chair.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 2-3
Average number of hours required per month: 3-4 hours (chair), less than 1 hour (committee member)
Peak time of year for active participation: December to April (committee members) and year-round for chair
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: November - December
Helpful skill sets: Communication and website page content update
Research (not currently an active committee)
Develops a wide range of potential research proposals. Assists in creating a standard survey instrument for the evaluation/assessment of Association activities.
Rebekah Hoppel Salcedo Leadership Development Program (RHS LDP)
The RHS LDP will offer focused training and collaborative group work along with a yearlong, one-to-one mentorship program to develop the next generation of leaders. For 2023-24, we are partnering with two other WASFAA premier events: the Jerry R. Sims Management & Leadership Institute (MLI) and the Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute (SDBSI). Mentors and mentees will actively participate in organizing and delivering these two popular events.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: We aim to have 8 pairs of mentors/mentees each year, preferably representing all state associations in WASFAA.
Average number of hours required per month: Normally 2-3, with greater time commitment required leading up to Management & Leadership Institute in November (primarily mentors) and Summer Institute in June (both mentors and mentees).
Peak time of year for active participation: The LDP cycle begins mid-fall (late September/early October) and ends at Summer Institute in early June.
Travel required: Although it is not required, we strongly encourage both mentors and mentees to participate in two in-person WASFAA events: Jerry R. Sims Management & Leadership Institute and Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute.
Actively seeking volunteers: We open applications for mentors and mentees in late summer or early fall.
Helpful skill sets: We believe that everyone, at every point in their career, could benefit from developing mentoring relationships, so we invite all to participate. Mentors usually have more than five years of experience in financial aid and/or leadership. Mentees have a wide variety of backgrounds, experience, and goals. With a desire to grow and develop leadership skills, there is room for every WASFAA member to contribute to the Rebekah Hoppel Salcedo Leadership Development Program and benefit from the opportunities it provides to network, grow, and give back to the financial aid profession.
Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute
Summer Institute is a week-long intensive training for beginning, intermediate and advanced topics in financial aid. Committee members build and teach content in a variety of topics at many learning levels. Faculty are expected to participate in the full event and may be presenting multiple topics to groups of 15 to 150 people. Faculty may need to have NASFAA U credentials to teach in some topics. A few non-faculty volunteers are also needed to assist with registration, housing, meals, content creation, serve as location contacts or general prep work.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: Between 10 and 20, depending upon location and set-up of the event and LDP consideration
Average number of hours required per month: Seasonal. July to December, no or very limited activity (with exception of the chair). January to April: 3-5 hours per month, May: 15 hours, June: 50-60 hours, most conducted in 1 week on location.
Peak time of year for active participation: Spring and early summer
Travel required: Yes. Faculty are required to be on location the full week of the event (June), potentially a site visit or planning meeting for some of the committee in spring
Actively seeking volunteers: Looking for volunteers once contract location and dates are set, often filling key positions in December and January
Helpful skill sets: Content creation and presentation/teaching experience for faculty, communication, marking and event planning skills are also needed
Site Selection
Recommends sites for the annual conference, Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute, Jerry R. Simms Management & Leadership Institute, and works with the President to identify potential venues for Executive Council meetings. Negotiates contracts with the recommended sites.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: This is a committee of 1 (appointed committee chair)
Average number of hours required per month: 1-2 hours
Peak time of year for active participation: Year-round when new event location contracts are needed
Travel required: Not necessarily, outside of attending required in person Executive Council meetings, but may be asked to visit a site location prior to recommending the site for an event.
Actively seeking volunteers: This position is determined by the WASFAA President-Elect prior to the start of their term.
The WASFAA Training Committee identifies training needs within the region and ensures that these needs are met by providing training opportunities outside the annual conference. The committee consists of two co-chairs and 10-20 volunteers who work collaboratively to bring valuable training to our membership. The positions on the training committee consist of the Communications and Marketing Team, the Content Development Team, the Logistics Team, the Registrar(s), the Site Coordinators, the Task Management Team, the Technology Coordination Team, and the Trainers/Facilitators. Committee involvement depends on the volunteer's interest and availability. Most volunteers commit 2-5 hours a month to the committee.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 15-20
Average number of hours required per month: Varies greatly by month and training calendar. Can be as little as 1-3 hours for training committee meetings or more if actively training.
Peak time of year for active participation: Mid-late summer into fall training season is the most active time for the training committee. We prep our material in the summer for fall training and then train heavily throughout the fall time frame.
Travel required: The training committee does not require travel. If volunteers are interested in becoming an in-person facilitator, travel will be required. Additionally, the training committee has one in-person kickoff meeting which may require travel to attend. We also support state conferences which may require travel if the volunteer is interested in participating. This is not required of all committee members; in fact, most of the positions on the committee require no travel at all.
Actively seeking volunteers: Spring/summer is when we recruit new trainers for the upcoming fall training cycle. We need individuals to help us create material and then present material in the fall. New volunteers are welcome at any time though.
Helpful skill sets: The WASFAA Training Committee has diverse opportunities for volunteers to participate at a level that is comfortable for that individual. All experience is welcome! We need individuals with all skills to help with the wide variety of demands for the training committee. While individuals who like to present and train directly are always helpful, it is not a requirement for the training committee. We have plenty of needs behind the scenes including supporting through marketing, tech, material development and more.
Volunteer Development
Encourages volunteerism and improves communications with volunteers, makes recommendations for improving the infrastructure and processes that support volunteer development activities, including the volunteer process and the annual conference newcomers’ welcome session. Writes at least one newsletter article each year spotlighting volunteer opportunities or accomplishments.
Number of volunteers traditionally on committee: 1-2
Average number of hours required per month: 2
Peak time of year for active participation: Year-round
Travel required: No
Actively seeking volunteers: Year-round
Helpful skill sets: Strong organizational and communication skills and the ability to present in front of groups is helpful.
What Happens Next?
Form submissions are reviewed monthly by our Volunteer Development Chair and sent to our Membership Chair who will confirm your active WASFAA membership. Once your membership has been confirmed, your interest will be forwarded to the chairs of the committee’s you expressed interest in (or WASFAA president if there is not currently a chair in place). Committee Chairs will connect with you at that time to share information on volunteer opportunities that may be available at that time.
WASFAA is an all-volunteer association, and its members are the strength of the association. We encourage you to share any comments, concerns, issues or ideas related to the association with your President or State President. Your input will be shared with leadership at the next WASFAA Executive Council meeting. The process only works with your involvement, so let your voice be heard!