2009-2010 Leadership
Leadership Archive IndexExecutive Council
Mindy Bergeron
John F. Kennedy University
Email: bergeron@jfku.edu
Sandi M Guidry
University of Nevada - Reno
Email: sguidry@unr.edu
Pat Peppin
Past President
Mesa Community College
Email: pat.peppin@mcmail.maricopa.edu
Jannine M Oyama
Vice President
Honolulu Community College
Email: jannine@hawaii.edu
Luhui Whitebear
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Email: luhui.whitebear@grandronde.org
Peter T Miller
Truckee Meadows Community College
Email: pmiller@tmcc.edu
Karla B Gonzalez
Ethnic Diversity Representative
Mesa Community College
Email: karla.gonzalez@mcmail.maricopa.edu
Marianna Deeken
Federal Liaison
US Department of Education
Email: marianna.deeken@ed.gov
Ashley K Munro
Alaska State President
University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Email: akmunro@alaska.edu
Howard Fischer
Arizona State President
Ottawa University
Email: howard.fischer@ottawa.edu
Barbara Bickett
California State President
DeVry, Inc
Email: bbickett@useducationcorp.com
Lori J Tiede
Nevada State President
Western Nevada College
Email: tiedel@wnc.edu
Donna M Fossum
Oregon State President
Western Oregon University
Email: fossumd@wou.edu
Adam Hatch
Pacific Islands State President
Hawaii Pacific University
Email: ahatch@hpu.edu
Karen L Driscoll
Washington State President
Clark College - Vancouver, WA
Email: kdriscoll@clark.edu
Nichole H Doering
Idaho State President
Scot Lewis Schools - Paul Mitchell Partner School
Email: nicholed@scotlewisschools.com