2006-2007 Leadership
Leadership Archive IndexExecutive Council
Tami A Sato
Southern California College of Optometry
Email: tsato@scco.edu
Tracy L Reisinger
Not Specified
Email: treisinger@verizon.net
Mark S Herndon
Past President
CSU - Bakersfield
Email: sherndon@csub.edu
Pat Peppin
Vice President
Mesa Community College
Email: pat.peppin@mcmail.maricopa.edu
Laura Hughes
Lewis-Clark State College - Lewiston, ID
Email: lhughes@lcsc.edu
Peter T Miller
Truckee Meadows Community College
Email: pmiller@tmcc.edu
Luhui Whitebear
Ethnic Diversity Representative
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Email: luhui.whitebear@grandronde.org
Marianna Deeken
Federal Liaison
US Department of Education
Email: marianna.deeken@ed.gov
Jana C Narcia
Representative at Large
Not Affiliated with an Institution
Email: jnarcia@ak-chin.nsn.us