WASFAA has a variety of platforms to keep you informed about what the organization and its members are doing as well as sharing information we feel will help you in your financial aid career.
Newsletter: A monthly newsletter is published and sent out to WASFAA members with articles from various topics, such as federal regulation updates, upcoming WASFAA conferences, state regulations, training and professional development opportunities, scholarship opportunities, etc. The monthly newsletters are also where vendors can request advertisements to be posted.
Listserv: As a member, you are automatically signed up for Listserv and will hear about any financial aid related or WASFAA related updates, WASFAA trainings, and any job postings on our Job Links page.
Slack Channel: Our online community is managed through a collaboration with NASFAA and aimed to provide Financial Aid Administrators the opportunity to network with peers in the WASFAA region, gain professional support, and exchange knowledge and resources to support their roles and students. To be a part of our online community, please complete the interest form here.
LinkedIn: As a professional organization, our LinkedIn page is used to connect with Financial Aid Administrators and promote financial aid awareness and educational opportunities for students.
Facebook: Follow us on Facebook where we not only share current information, but also photos of events, locations, and members!