2012-2013 Leadership
Leadership Archive IndexState Presidents
Sandi M Guidry, Coordinator
University of Nevada - Reno
Email: sguidry@unr.edu
Ingeborg Bristow, Alaska
University of Alaska - Anchorage
Email: anib@uaa.alaska.edu
Shirley A Vaden, Arizona
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Email: shirley.vaden@nelnet.net
Deborah Barker-Garcia, California
Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
Email: dbarkergarcia@cci.edu
Kevin Jensen, Idaho
College of Western Idaho
Email: kevinjensen@cwidaho.cc
Breena M Conlin, Nevada
Prospect Education
Email: bconlin@prospecteducation.com
Donna L Fulton, Oregon
Klamath Community College
Email: fulton@klamathcc.edu
Jodie M Kuba, Pacific Islands
University of Hawaii - Manoa
Email: jodiek@hawaii.edu
Jordan L Grant, Washington
Seattle Pacific University
Email: grantj@spu.edu
Awards & Scholarships
Sandi M Guidry, Chair
University of Nevada - Reno
Email: sguidry@unr.edu
Frank N Green, Chair
Travel Institute of The Pacific
Email: green@tiphawaii.com
Paula A Cady, Co-Chair
Universal Technical Institute
Email: pcady@uti.edu
Terri L Eckel, Co-Chair
Yavapai College
Email: terri.eckel@yc.edu
Committee Members:
Laura Hughes - Lewis-Clark State College - Lewiston, ID
Abril L Hunt - Washington State University
Valerie J Karnes - Portland State University
Leslie L Limper - Reed College
Katherine A McCutchen - Portland Community College
Ashley K Munro - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Ashley M Salisbury - Prospect Education
Kimberly R Schreck - US Department of Education
David R Tolman - Boise State University
Electronic Services
Ashley M Salisbury, Chair
Prospect Education
Email: asalisbury@prospecteducation.com
Federal Issues
Barbara Bickett, Co-Chair
DeVry, Inc
Email: bbickett@useducationcorp.com
Patricia A Hurley, Co-Chair
Glendale Community College
Email: phurley@glendale.edu
Committee Members:
Patricia A Hurley - Glendale Community College
Bert R Logan III - Portland Community College
Melissa M Moser - Orange Coast College
Tami A Sato - Southern California College of Optometry
Vicki Shipley - National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs, Inc. (NCHELP)
David R Tolman - Boise State University
Fiscal Planning
Wendy Z Olson, Chair
Whitworth University
Email: wolson@whitworth.edu
Committee Members:
Mindy Bergeron - John F. Kennedy University
Renee A Davis - Nevada System of Higher Education
Nichole H Doering - Razzle Dazzle College, Inc.
Jack Edwards - Stanford University - Graduate School of Business
Sandi M Guidry - University of Nevada - Reno
Adam Hatch - Hawaii Pacific University
Laura Hughes - Lewis-Clark State College - Lewiston, ID
Tracey A Lehman - Oregon Institute of Technology
Peter T Miller - Truckee Meadows Community College
Ashley K Munro - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Sun Ow - Great Lakes Higher Education
Mary S San Agustin - Palomar College
Tami A Sato - Southern California College of Optometry
Kay W Soltis - Pacific Lutheran University
Leonard R Walker, Jr. - University of Nevada - Reno
James A White - Gonzaga University
Fund Development
Sun Ow, Chair
Great Lakes Higher Education
Email: sow@glhec.org
Kathleen D Koch, Chair
Seattle University-School of Law - Seattle, WA
Email: kkoch@seattleu.edu
Committee Members:
Jack Edwards - Stanford University - Graduate School of Business
LaNae B Herrera - Claremont School of Theology
Kathleen D Koch - Seattle University-School of Law - Seattle, WA
Josephine Melton - Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
Tami A Sato - Southern California College of Optometry
Historical Archives
Ashley M Salisbury, Chair
Prospect Education
Email: asalisbury@prospecteducation.com
Committee Members:
Sandi M Guidry - University of Nevada - Reno
Management/Leadership Institute
Laura Hughes, Chair
Lewis-Clark State College - Lewiston, ID
Email: lhughes@lcsc.edu
Committee Members:
Lesley C Phelps - DeVry, Inc
Mary S San Agustin - Palomar College
Jesse D Stasher - Roseman University of Health Sciences
Abril L Hunt, Chair
Washington State University
Email: abril.hunt@vancouver.wsu.edu
Committee Members:
Mindy Bergeron - John F. Kennedy University
Kathy A Colasurdo - Bellevue Community College
Malinali Flood - West Hills College
Frank N Green - Travel Institute of The Pacific
Brenda S Grigg - Hawaii Pacific University
Ashley K Munro - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Jessica L Shriver - Rogue Community College
Zachary Duffy, Chair
University of Oregon
Email: zduffy@uoregon.edu
Committee Members:
Samuel F Collie - BCT Consulting LLC
Zachary Duffy - University of Oregon
Yoneko Kanichy - College of Micronesia-FSM
Sun Ow - Great Lakes Higher Education
Ashley M Salisbury - Prospect Education
Angela R Urso - Charter College
Nominations & Elections
Kay W Soltis, Chair
Pacific Lutheran University
Email: soltiskw@plu.edu
Committee Members:
John Bender III - Lewis-Clark State College - Lewiston, ID
Jack Edwards - Stanford University - Graduate School of Business
Ashley K Munro - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Ashley M Salisbury - Prospect Education
Jeff R Scofield - University of Hawaii - Hilo
Kay W Soltis - Pacific Lutheran University
Policies & Procedures
Frank N Green, Chair
Travel Institute of The Pacific
Email: green@tiphawaii.com
Site Selection
Leonard R Walker, Jr., Chair
University of Nevada - Reno
Email: lrwalker@unr.edu
Committee Members:
Frank N Green - Travel Institute of The Pacific
Strategic Planning
Kay W Soltis, Chair
Pacific Lutheran University
Email: soltiskw@plu.edu
Committee Members:
Renee A Davis - Nevada System of Higher Education
Jack Edwards - Stanford University - Graduate School of Business
Mark S Herndon - CSU - Bakersfield
Peter T Miller - Truckee Meadows Community College
Ashley K Munro - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Wendy Z Olson - Whitworth University
Ashley M Salisbury - Prospect Education
Tami A Sato - Southern California College of Optometry
Kay W Soltis - Pacific Lutheran University
Leonard R Walker, Jr. - University of Nevada - Reno
James A White - Gonzaga University
Summer Institute
Nichole H Doering, Chair
Razzle Dazzle College, Inc.
Email: ndoering@razzledazzlecollege.com
Committee Members:
Nichole H Doering - Razzle Dazzle College, Inc.
Laura Hughes - Lewis-Clark State College - Lewiston, ID
Patricia A Hurley - Glendale Community College
Lois M Kelly - Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo, CA
Maureen McRae - Occidental College
Lawrence Persky - UCLA
Tracy L Reisinger - Marylhurst College
Kimberly R Schreck - US Department of Education
Ryan M West - Western Oregon University
Adam Hatch, Chair
Hawaii Pacific University
Email: ahatch@hpu.edu
Committee Members:
Ronald A Diaz - Stanford University
Nichole H Doering - Razzle Dazzle College, Inc.
Abril L Hunt - Washington State University
Ashley K Munro - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Destiny N Romano - Prospect Education
Kimberly R Schreck - US Department of Education
Vicki Shipley - National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs, Inc. (NCHELP)
Susan M Shogren - USA Funds
Margaret R Young - Mohave Community College - Mohave Valley, AZ
Ethnic Diversity Action
Lawrence Persky, Chair
Email: lpersky@saonet.ucla.edu
Committee Members:
Jacqueline L Alleyne-McCants - University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Angela A Arnott - Charter College
Diondrae P Collier - The National Hispanic University
Juan P Flores - Saint Martin's College
Lilly J Foxx - Marylhurst College
Sophia C Graves - Maricopa County Community College
Daniel C Herman - University of Portland
Holli M Johnson - University of Oregon
Diana Y Minor - Cal Poly - Pomona, CA
Isabelle Mora - Saint Martin's College
Lakia N Wilson - University of Portland
Paula A Cady, Chair
Universal Technical Institute
Email: pcady@uti.edu
Volunteer Development
Tami A Sato, Chair
Southern California College of Optometry
Email: tsato@scco.edu
Committee Members:
Abril L Hunt - Washington State University
Tracey A Lehman - Oregon Institute of Technology
Luhui Whitebear - Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Calendar Administration
Ashley K Munro, Coordinator
University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Email: akmunro@alaska.edu