2012-2013 Leadership
Leadership Archive IndexExecutive Council
Jack Edwards
Stanford University - Graduate School of Business
Email: edwards_jack@gsb.stanford.edu
Frank N Green
Travel Institute of The Pacific
Email: green@tiphawaii.com
Kay W Soltis
Past President
Pacific Lutheran University
Email: soltiskw@plu.edu
Luhui Whitebear
Vice President
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Email: luhui.whitebear@grandronde.org
Paula A Cady
Universal Technical Institute
Email: pcady@uti.edu
Peter T Miller
Truckee Meadows Community College
Email: pmiller@tmcc.edu
Mindy Bergeron
John F. Kennedy University
Email: bergeron@jfku.edu
Lawrence Persky
Ethnic Diversity Representative
Email: lpersky@saonet.ucla.edu
Kimberly R Schreck
Federal Liaison
US Department of Education
Email: kimberly.schreck@ed.gov
Tami A Sato
Segmental Representative at Large
Southern California College of Optometry
Email: tsato@scco.edu
Ingeborg Bristow
Alaska State President
University of Alaska - Anchorage
Email: anib@uaa.alaska.edu
Shirley A Vaden
Arizona State President
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Email: shirley.vaden@nelnet.net
Deborah Barker-Garcia
California State President
Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
Email: dbarkergarcia@cci.edu
Breena M Conlin
Nevada State President
Prospect Education
Email: bconlin@prospecteducation.com
Donna L Fulton
Oregon State President
Klamath Community College
Email: fulton@klamathcc.edu
Jodie M Kuba
Pacific Islands State President
University of Hawaii - Manoa
Email: jodiek@hawaii.edu
Jordan L Grant
Washington State President
Seattle Pacific University
Email: grantj@spu.edu
Kevin Jensen
Idaho State President
College of Western Idaho
Email: kevinjensen@cwidaho.cc
Sandi M Guidry
State President Liaison
University of Nevada - Reno
Email: sguidry@unr.edu